Call for Sites

Stoke Lacy NDP Call for Sites

Stoke Lacy Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Parish.  As part of this process, the Parish Council is undertaking a Call for Sites.

We would like to invite local landowners, developers and their agents to submit potential housing sites in the neighbourhood / group parish area for consideration. 

Please note that potential sites should be located within or adjoining the built up areas of the settlements identified for growth in Herefordshire Council’s adopted Local Plan Core Strategy.  In our Parish these settlements are Stoke Cross and Stoke Lacy.

All submitted sites will be subjected to a technical site assessment process by consultants AECOM as part of the Locality Technical Support Programme for NDPs.  Sites considered suitable following the technical assessment will be published for public consultation, and then considered for possible inclusion in the Draft NDP as proposed housing site allocations.

Please complete the Site Submission Form which is available from the website (or click here) or on request from the Clerk to the Parish Council ( and provide a clear site location plan (preferably using an OS base) identifying the site boundary in red.  All completed forms and site locations plans should be submitted by 19th August 2020.