NDP SG Notes 3rd Feb 2021

Stoke Lacy Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting 3rd February at 6:30pm on video conferencing.

Attendees: Jo Davies, Carole Leonard, Meg Warren, James Wilson, Freddie Lewis, Bill Morgan

Apologies: Ali Parker, Martyn Gillam, Alma Westwood.


    1. AECOM report has now been received and is on the parish council agenda for approval.
    1. It can then be sent to landowners with a letter.
    1. Some feedback has been received from Herefordshire highways department about the suitability of the access to Herb Lane which affects 2 of the sites. LK suggested that all sites should be assessed by Herefordshire highways so that it is fair to all. BM will action this.
    1. LK suggested that until the comments are put formally in writing it might be better to delay contacting landowners.
  • Draft NDP Report
  1. MW expressed concern that the draft report was focusing too much on the call for sites and that more weight should be given to the fact that the village is seen to be of special significance in the county for its built character.
    1. A lengthy discussion took place as to whether the draft NDP in its current format was given too much emphasis on the call for sites. The residents responses to the I&O and the public meeting in February 2020 all emphasized that residents do not want large building in the village. But the CFS had brought up several sites for multiple dwellings.The responses showed that modest small scale development is what residents want.
    1. MW also suggested that the settlement boundaries had become controversial and that the fact that they are a wip should also be highlighted. MW particularly noted the suggestion that the church should be taken out of the Stoke Lacy settlement boundary so as to prevent possible development by C OF E should the church become under used in the future.
    1. MW and CL agreed to meet separately and to divide up the NDP report into sections which could be re-examined by members of the SG. It was agreed that they would then feed back to the group.JD will circulate the letter and link with the Cider Press email list and include it in the February Cider Press.
  2. Public Meetings
    1. Criticism had also been levelled at the SG by residents in the I&O feedback regarding communication. 
    1. The SG decided to try to action a virtual public meeting accessible by all residents if they wished.
    1. This would be examined further and discussed at the March SG meeting.
  3. AOB
  4. BM feels he is not the best person to lead the group through the next detailed stage. He is happy to continue assisting and helping where he can but he hopes a new co-ordinator can be found.
  5. JW will be the point of contact for comments and enquiries.
  6. MW and CL will feedback to the committee before the next meeting regarding division of the NDP report.

The meeting closed at 8pm