NDP SG Notes 19th Dec 2019

Stoke Lacy Parish – NDP Meeting at 6pm 19th December – The Plough Inn


Attendees: Bill Morgan, Jo Davies, James Wilson, Phil Platt, Meg Warren, Carole Leonard, Marcel Carrier

Apologies: Alma Westwood

Member of the public in attendance: Ruth Hickmott.


  1. Update on outstanding actions from meeting of 4th December:

1) Contact David Nicholson, Consultant – BM

2) Contact Lynda Wilcox – BM (Confirm attendance at 5th February Public meeting)

3) Prepare GDPR document – BM (Still outstanding)

4) Contact Jonathan Lester – BM (Re-scheduled public meeting to 5th February)

BM confirmed that Lynda Wilcox will attend the planning meeting on 6th January as well as the public meeting on 5thFebruary.

MC and BM to meet with AW when she is available to discuss finance application for funding the project.

  1. The proposed terms of reference (ToR) were discussed. MW suggested some amendments in line with the ToR she found for Cornwall. She believes them to be more structured in relation to limits on membership of the steering group and decision making. MW will circulate a link to the Cornish ToR, the steering group to consider at the meeting on 6th January. MW also raised the issue of quoracy and this too would be discussed and decided upon on 6th.
  2. It was decided that a ‘comments by the general public’ item should be included as an agenda item for each meeting.
  3. IT Shared area, user training and support – James Wilson

JW and PP briefly demonstrated the Open Project community edition which is free but needs to be run on a Unix server. JW currently had it running from his home server but it could be used on his business server instead. All members of steering group should email PP with a password so that they may explore the application over the holidays and a decision would be made at the meeting of 6th January as to whether to adopt it for the NDP steering group project.

  1. A decision whether to buy the domain name stokelacy.co.uk would be made at the next parish council meeting.
  2. Preparations for public meeting 5th February

A general discussion took place about whether or not the parish council had a vision for the direction of travel for the NDP, or whether that might come as a result of the public meeting. No conclusions were reached but some topics for discussion such as homelessness, empty properties, environmental factors were highlighted.

It was decided that more specific details concerning the format of the public meeting would be finalised following the meeting with Lynda Wilcox on 6th January.

  1. JD agreed to contact the PCC about borrowing their projector for the presentation on 5th February
  2. Meetings Schedule
NDP MeetingsParish Council MtgsFor info.
Date    TimeLocationMeeting details
Mon 6th Jan18:00Jo’s HouseNDP Public Meeting Planning Session with Lynda Wilcox 
Wed 8th Jan18:00Village HallMeeting with David Nicholson (Consultant)Wed 8th Jan 19:30
Wed 15thJan18:00PloughNDP Steering Group Meeting 
Wed5th Feb18:00 18:30 PublicVillage HallPublic Meeting  
Wed 12th Feb18:00Village HallNDP Steering Group MeetingWed 12th Feb 19:30
Wed 4th Mar18:00PloughNDP Steering Group MeetingWed 11th Mar 19:30
Wed 1st Apr18:00PloughNDP Steering GroupWed 8th Apr 19:30
  • Any Other Business

PP suggested looking at NDP Plans on the Hereford Council website with regard to strict timetables of the stages required.

CL, MW and JD will liaise over a series of flyers to be distributed at The Plough Inn and elsewhere from the beginning of January to publicise the public meeting on 5th Februray.

  •  Comments from the public

Ruth Hickmott had no comment other that she does not want to join the steering group as secretary as she does not feel it is within her skillset. She will, however, attend the public meeting.

The meeting closed at 7.45pm.