NDP SG Notes 4th Dec 2020

Stoke Lacy Parish – NDP Meeting at 6pm 4th December – The Plough Inn


Attendees: Bill Morgan, Jo Davies, James Wilson, Phil Platt, Meg Warren, Carole Leonard, Marcel Carrier

Apologies: Alma Westwood

Guests: Richard Leach and Simon Harmsworth from Ocle Pychard Group NDP Steering       Group.

 Dave Preece from Bishops Frome NDP Steering Group.


  1. Ocle Pychard NDP.

a. Recommended use of a planning consultant to oversee the process -Dr David Nicholson from Westhide. (2 other tenders were sought) Cost – Fixed price of c.£7.5k. The consultant organized the questionnaire, drafted documents, advised on stages and processes. Invaluable resource to the steering group ensuring compliance with core strategy and timetable.

b. Other advisors Stephanie Keto from Herefordshire Council NDP department and Lynda Wilcox of HALC. 

c. OP’s steering group consisted of a core of three people (RC (chair) and SH – both parish councilors) and a paid (£9.43 p/h) administrator to take minutes of meetings, update website etc. Outside this core group c. 10 others assisted at various stages.

d. Public consultation – An initial open meeting to introduce the NDP to the community with an attendance of 70 people (c. 25% of population), also questionnaires (a 20% questionnaire response), subsequent public meetings including interactive open day, ‘Call for sites’ stage (for landowners to suggest development sites).

e. All decision making by Parish Council, steering group advisory. Important to co-ordinate SG meetings with P/C meetings to make efficient progress. All finances approved via PC. SH/Treasurer applied for grant funding for SG NDP finances.

f. RL and SH conclusions:

 Appoint a planning consultant at an early stage.

Important to engage the whole community: residents, but also landowners and businesses.

 The NDP had already proved it ‘had teeth’ in at least 2 planning applications where the criteria of the NDP prevented development. 

The Parish Council had learned a considerable amount about planning matters over the process.

Expect negativity from some quarters at various stages. Important to keep a record of publicity about meetings and the various stages of the process for those who may only engage with the process at a late stage.

Establish ‘Terms of Reference’ between the P/C and the Steering Group.

  • Bishops Frome NDP.

DP explained he had only joined the BP steering group at a late stage as their planning adviser. This meant that the public questionnaire wasn’t as helpful as it could be in developing the NDP. DP advised appointing a planning consultant at an early stage.

  • Actions from previous meeting.

All points addressed except clarification of software for the website and shared area and software for project management.

JW recommended Zephyr a plug in for WordPress, for which he has already circulated login access. Discussion as to whether to adopt the full version of Zephyr with Project Management capability and an app. (Budget implications as free version only basic). Agreed at this stage to re-circulate access log in details for the whole SG for shared area.

PP suggested use of Microsoft Project for pm function.

JW suggested acquisition of domain name stokelacy.co.uk – cost annual fee of £4.

  • Communications for Cider Press

JD had circulated by email the December issue of CP with NDP article and date of public meeting 22nd Jan 2020, hard copy to go out by w/e of 7th/8th. It was agreed regular updates to be included in each edition plus in the Community Newsletter, Bromyard Info, Hereford Times. Heritage Facebook page and Stoke Lacy Parish Council website. A record to be kept of all publicity.

  • Preparations for Public Meeting

To be discussed at next meeting.

  • Hereford Times articles on NDPS – Content noted.
  • IT shared are and support – See above plus JW to give some training.
  • Paperless agenda & notes – An aspiration and possible if meeting in the Plough Inn with internet access.
  • GDPR – BM to produce GDPR compliance forms for SG to complete and sign.
  • Any Other Business

a. Jonathan Lester to attend public meeting on 22nd.

b. Copy of 2004 Parish Plan for Stoke Lacy circulated – could form the basis of some of the history/narrative of the NDP.

c. SG members to consider a possible administrator to relieve the burden from the Parish Clerk.

d. James Wilson was adopted as acting Vice Chair of the steering group.

The Meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Future Meeting Dates

Wednesday 15th January

Wednesday 22nd January

Wednesday 5th February

Wednesday 4th March

Wednesday 1st April